Monday, November 17, 2008
Side Effects Of Blunts

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
How Do I Get Impetigo

I believe in how wonderful it was when I met you, never be sorry that you came into my life, unlike you I owe you my joy, my joy, happiness and all my being, for eh, if I returned to be romantic and express what I feel for you is thanks to the magic you put in my heart and all your tenderness that calms and makes me tremble with joy, therefore I believe in you and our love, believe in your kisses, because when I touch your lips I can see things never seen before, I can feel sensations than ever before had lived, I can enjoy something that is hard to say, but something like that makes me up and then down, and then makes me go higher and reach a degree of belief that I am in heaven above the clouds coexisting with the stars and the sky below me, but then I realize that your kisses, and again I feel something that electrifies my bones and I feel running through my body, Wow! is phenomenal, especially, is really hard to describe.
did not want to write, but not here today and we only have two means of communicating and thus make use of them, because I am convinced that it is so wonderful that now surrounds us, I would expicarte the magnitude This love grows every day more in my, well, let me try:
drown in me ....
is so big that I can not contain making my heart explode ...
is so insensante not let my soul be still in my ...
It's so exciting that ignites my senses and my whole being burned ...
's so crazy that if I do a psychological test would find in my mind
"Argenys Evil" ...
is so miraculous that if I were moving to just see you cry with all my might
"Argenys I Love You."
is so multifaceted that has all the particles of my being to create an "atom
love ..!
is so difficult to explain, but only when I play your my heart beats pasientemente lips and something strange starts to move into my entire body, energizing all my senses and accelerating my heartbeat.
period T how beautiful I can feel
E s why I can live with it ati
A rgenys, you make my heart glad
M and you vibrate with your emotion
O h, always fill me with all your love ..!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Where Do U Buy Deworming Medicine

not reach me when I Cerrado
my eyes and pretend that nothing happens ...
when loneliness haunts me and I have not
which report you want to sleep is when your chest
and dreaming of tomorrow ...
when loneliness and I drowned
rivers flowing from my eyes is when quienro
navigate your waters and be the tail of your soul ...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Pregnancy Test First Line Dark Second Line Light

If you see that I am ashamed, remember that shame is like a dark cloth, very dark, opaque, behind which I hide.
Love is fused with passion is the one who knows that passion is your irreplaceable companion. It is with the will Which leads me to make new discoveries that I write from the clarity that is nothing to reverse the madness.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sample Church Anniversary

gives me ... I want to be somebody, to thank and reward, all their blessings God has given me ...
I want to be happy being myself, without masks, without feelings of guilt, according to my calling, my mission and my dreams ...
I want to have the courage to be and feel free to choose my ways, to overcome my fears and worries, and bearing the consequences of my actions ...
I want to have joy to laugh, to make and walk my way to happiness, to feel the energy to live fully and intensely ...
I want to feel, be a complete woman, love me, admit that I am single, unique and irreplaceable, I'm worth, because they have placed in me, a divine light within me is because much for DAR ...
I want to raise awareness, that no one can hurt me unless I allow that, that nobody can attack me because I do not deserve ...
I want to be light for me SOL, my family and my friends because well, I will help you grow, without fear and responsibility. ...
I want to stop being and feel victim to resume or take for the first time in my life, the ability to govern, to be the protagonist of my story ... I want to love
this, choose the future and strive to do so, with the heart without, or never get tired ... I want
remember the past, but not to live in, to learn to not make the same mistakes. ...
I dream of a bright future, full of stars, while living and enjoying my present, in full awareness that the only safe, it is today, here and now ...
I want to forgive my mistakes, my faults, my fall and release the load lighter for my walk, to a new life ...
I want, every day of my life in this dimension , thankful for every moment of breath, every smile, every tear, every friend I have shaken hands in my pilgrimage, every experience, that made me who I am, my strengths and weaknesses.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Gland Throat Drinking

Friday, July 4, 2008
Breville Bread Master Bb300 Error

Friday, June 27, 2008
How To Connect Sound Bar

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Cellular Respiration Chlamydia

Looped Together Jelly Bracelets

Monday, June 2, 2008
Football Helmets From Walmart Vending

know that there is an illness, c on symptoms so similar to heart attacks is called broken heart syndrome? that mostly affects women, for being so emosionales ... reading about these symptoms on the causes, and reflect on how we process things did these words, is a point of view only one among a universe of thoughts, if you used these words are yours, leave them alone are letters go, my mind and my heart now working together I hope you enjoy Women are those specimens that we have all our actions through the heart, the emotions of putting the soul and body to maximize the emotions to feel that everything that comes to our lives have to have an intervention on our part, that everything happens for a reason, we have as mother, daughter, friend, lover, wife to deal with one or another way to solve what we hear, take charge, take part in the lines that come into our hands.
Maybe that's why our hearts often make us feel drowned in the unprocessed emotions, to carry a bag-making and responsibilities assume that even without thinking, that we close our eyes and try to find air around so that everything goes well, or do our best to our loved ones. The best antidote to sit and talk with our soul, think with your heart balancing it with our minds, to wonder who we are, we want, we want, we dream, what things make us happy, and not lose sight of the consequences of our decisions, based on our lives from us for us, because if we're good if we love if we care if we give our all, then we will be able to help without intruding, to learn to accept situations as they occur.
As we establish relationships, we create a vicious cycle of give and take, to mark boundaries to our actions, to form a circle on our spaces, and learn to respect the personal space of others, more than once surprising life in this encounter between the willingness to help and interference in the space of others.
There are days when hormones maximize our words, that when emotions are crowded on our chest, powerless to change things, instead of analyzing them and accept them, these days the tears are revealed to us, and blurred vision and damping of trouble the soul, the chest is shrinking, the anguish is not silent and we are prisoners of the things that happen, and can not control.
broken heart syndrome, this similar to a heart attack, so many women have, comes from the hand of wanting to have everything under control, that things are done in our own way of dealing make them understand our point of view, not the best, and that eagerness to help, often our lives are, anguish leaves a lump in my throat, and carry a backpack and not ours.
In this effort of love, one forget that love is not synonymous with membership, but of freedom, acceptance of others, to advise but not impose, ask, tell you that we do not guess so, but that does not mean that establish rules for what to do, the eternal theme let each process every step of his time, without invading the space.
Reflections ....
There are so many points of view on this earth for each event, as people have noticed, living it is better for our hearts to learn to listen, the pleasure of being heard, without being judged, but it's so cute in words, and so difficult is the practice, but says that angel good as I have for sister, the best thing to recognize is not just something to say but putting it into practice in my soul that walks in that is the heart that sometimes hangs thinking that sometimes hard of hearing, but you are the words of people who love me well, those beings who have been close to me to learn new things every day.
One day, a reflection, silence, the keyboard, my mind watching, my heart speaking .. His voice interrupted my life goes on I hope these words serve something, take, to realize these words, my soul smiles finding the balance
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Philips Recipes For Steam Cooking
We sacrifice too much about things that are transient ... Sacrifice Health, Friendship, Family, Peace and inner peace .. So many absurd troubles to store it after getting wind, they vanish like sand between your toes! TELL ME A THOUSAND TIMES
away Then I invented a thousand ways not to think you do not remember. Of course, let's see, to call. I heal those wounds that left me suffering, thousands seek remedies to close, not to hurt. And any day back, my heart, to my mind, my body and again fall into the clutches of desire, despair.
would say the doctors, has had a relapse. But that disease is mine, and once again it falls, I can not heal in final form, I do not die, but after each relapse, who do less strength, less energy. When the day comes that I redefinitivamente, spend the days, months and years and I can not heal in spite of all the remedies I've used, even some became intoxicated instead of making me feel better. If some of you know the cure for my illness can happen, so if that is not some intoxicating.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Guide I Botning Diablo 2
On the way I learned that getting high is not to grow or to listen is to hear or feel regret is to look not always see! Ni acostrumbrarse is love ...!
learned on the way ... to walk alone is not lonely ... that cowardice is not peace or happy just to smile. ! And that lying is worse than silence the truth!
That dream of love can open like a flower like that flower and die ... I learned ... But in its brief existence:! Is all flavor and color. .!
The way I teach that humility is not submission. Humility is the gift that is often confurdir: "It is not the same to be servile, to be a good server ..!
When things go wrong as they sometimes tend to go when you offer only way to climb hills, when you have little but much to pay, and appreciate even having to mourn smile when the pain can overwhelm you and no longer suffering ... Rest
you must, but never give up. ! EVERYTHING WORSE, BUT WE INSIST! I learned on the long road ... That friends are: For the cold, shelter for the darkness: light for fear: Shelter for adversity: HOPE
Friday, April 25, 2008
Whitehall For Sale Used

I just like to live what I am ...
Friday, April 4, 2008
Homemade Boxing Training
The 5 April 1985 born Alexandra Peña Agramante ( PINK ROSE ) in the Dominican Republic ....
Tomorrow is my birthday. I will get up to a year most of joys and sorrows, I will watch the mobile and only a few messages from people you do not really know if I have to thank to be agreed. Coming phone calls, some of my friend asked me as if there were any plans for being my birthday. I'll tell you I had nothing planned, that six subjects are to blame for that I can not do things atrás.Lo scheduled from time I watch. Tomorrow I will rise, and I say to myself: "It's my birthday. I have one more year, this day has to be perfect. "
Funny how it feels birthday. You walk down the street and you think everyone should have the obligation to know it's your birthday, is now expected to treat you special because it's your birthday. You're untouchable. Should any gift from someone, it is logical and gladly accepted. It seems that one himself claimed that on his birthday, the day should sprout well enough so that, at the end of the day, one can sleep with a smile from ear to feel older oreja.Uno suddenly . In my case, from 23 to 24 years. And I'm really stuck in their twenties.
I have 24 years. Tomorrow is a day like any other where I can I ask quietly if eh achieved or obtained what I really eh proposed, if this period of 365 days in the 23 years I have had has been positive, if I learned something really important, something I can remember just before he died of old.
I only have a year to 25. Hustler I have to go and do all those things I want to do, what I have to do. Tomorrow is another day.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Ny Greco Roman Wretsling

When being in love means to suffer, we are loving too
When most of our conversations with close friends are about it, their problems, their ideas, feelings, and when almost all our sentences begin with "it ..", we are loving too.
apologize When his temper, his bad temper, indifference or slights and problems due to an unhappy childhood and try to become your therapist, we are loving too.
When we read a self help book and underline all the passages that would help him, we are loving too.
When we do not like many of their behaviors, values \u200b\u200band basic characteristics, but we support the idea that if we are only attractive and loving enough he would change for us, we are loving too.
When our relationship undermines our emotional and even, perhaps, our health and physical integrity are NO DOUBT loving too much. "
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Brain Game Unblockface.org
How many drops of rain are needed to fill the palm of your hand? How many sighs
can be given in five minutes?
How many tears would be needed to fill a thimble?
How many dreams can be fulfilled in one day?
How many words are there to say to apologize?
whispers How many are needed to make a call?
How many margaritas have to pluck to make you want? How many kisses
needed to blush?
How many wishes can you ask the shooting stars in one night?
How many lines are needed to love someone?
Is it easy to watch the flight of a fly ... ?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sixty Year Old Woman Bigbreasts
Friday March 7, from 5:00 pmAv. Maximo Gomez Esq Bolivar Plaza Bolivar
@ Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
"Ask The Crowd"
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ipl For Broken Capillaries
fear what we might be able to do. Fear of what you might think if we tried. We let our fears take over our hopes. We say no, when we say yes.
us silent when we scream and yell when we should be silent. Why? Do something you never did. Dare ...!!! Forget
you are watching. Try the move impossible. You risk
. Do not worry about being accepted.
Nothing binds you. Nobody forces you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Be yourself!.
Sometimes we believe in destiny written ... We pray, hope and forget the most important thing, believe in ourselves! Everything depends on our will. That inner strength that drives "if I can" in every challenge.
We have the power ... When we are determined. When we are convinced. If we can! Within you are 206 bones and 700 muscles waiting. It remains your decision. Face your destiny. Do not be just a spectator.
Dare to be the protagonist OF YOUR LIFE! Push yourself.
lives fully. Arrives every day a little further. Salta each day a little higher. When you do not expect anything else, when you realize that life itself is a challenge, your life depends on you, you will strengthen your spirit.
And little by little, to the satisfaction of having achieved your inner voices become ovation, and your life will make sense ... In
overcoming yourself what makes the difference is the strength of spirit and determination to reach the fullness! .