1 - Women who eat chocolate are more aroused.
Yes, yes, it is a myth. Is a reality. Many studies support the idea that eating this sweet allows more direct stimulation of nerve endings.
2 - men masturbate couple more.
And the fact is an easy explanation. Because they have more sex and more common, they produce more testosterone and produce more testosterone and more excited. Come on, a vicious circle.
3 - The man can get a full erection the 10 seconds erections in men can result from a simple visual momentum. Women, however, often need other types of stimuli related to the intellectual.
4 - 1% of women reach orgasm only by stimulation of the nipples It only remains to find that woman and ask what is the secret of his success.
5 - 5% of women are allergic to semen Although at first sight pretty scary, the reality is that with a condom most of them have the problem under control. Has also been shown that there are men allergic to their own semen.
6 - One in ten people is asexual 10% of the population does not feel any attraction to any gender, neither male nor female. Come on, do not pick up on contact with other human beings are the sex that is.
7 - excitement, the clitoris doubles in size The vagina expands and the point G can be the size of an almond. And they say that women do not have erections.
8 - heart one hundred The heart can reach 180 beats per minute during an orgasm.
9 - Ten erections daily to young adulthood, men can experience 10 erections a day. The reason is, of course, hormones. Their levels of testosterone to mature can be very high.
10 - erectile dysfunction, 48% of GP consultations on sexuality are about erectile dysfunction. The next most common query is premature ejaculation.
11 - Kissing is healthy? During the kiss, some 40 thousand bacteria are passed from one mouth to another, but most are harmless, and also our saliva contains disinfectants. Science says yes kissing is healthy, as well as bringing about 30 facial muscles, kiss your loved one with perseverance, activate your blood circulation and improves self-esteem. People do live longer and have fewer illnesses. This is possibly due to hormonal secretions mobilized kiss that function as pain and strengthen the body's defenses.
12 - Is sex healthy? Doctors are agree that the loving relationships and frequent sexual activity promote health, due to hormonal activity. During foreplay increases the secretion of oxytocin, which influences the formation of deep feelings and powerful. In sexual union releases endorphins, which cause a feeling of wellbeing. During orgasm prolactin is released serotonin is stress and a feeling of complete happiness. During the moments of sweet company also secrete more estrogen and progesterone, substances that strengthen bones and muscles, protect the heart and invigorate circulation.
13 - How many orgasms can a person have? In a recent study of 751 people at the Center for Marital and Sexual Studies in Long Beach, California, USA, established the record of 134 female orgasms during one hour, while the most powerful men did not exceed 16 orgasms.
14 - Why do we feel sleepy after sex? Obtained after orgasm in intercourse or masturbation, you fall asleep more easily. The studios believe that sexual activity promotes sleep, partly due to the action of hormones and brain chemicals.
15 - Why shave pubic hair? According to experts, these and other body modifications are due to erotic matters. We women shave their legs and extended to the bikini line as a matter of aesthetics to wear minimal clothing. A totally shaved pubis shows a childlike that can satisfy some pedophile tendencies.
16 - Why are piercings of the genitals? If the ring touches the clitoris and the female G-spot, which are the two main female genital erogenous zones, it is possible to enhance the stimulation. It's a personal decision, but you should listen to all the explanations you give about genital piercing and hygiene measures that need this form of body art, that is not without risks to health.
17 - * In Lebanon, men can have sex with animals legally, but animals must be female. Sex with a male animal is punishable by death.
18 - * In Barheim, a doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is prohibited from looking directly during the test. You can only watch through a mirror.
19 - * The Muslims can not be looking at the genitals of a corpse. This also applies to funeral home officials.
20 - The sexual organs of the deceased must be covered with a brick or a piece of wood.
21 - * The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.
22 - * There are men in Guam whose full-time job is to travel the country deflowering virgins who will pay for the privilege of having sex for the first time. By the laws of Guam, the Virgin is forbidden to marry.
23 - * In Hong Kong, a betrayed woman can legally kill her adulterous husband, but has to do with your hands. In return, the adulterous woman can die in any way by her husband.
24 - * The Liverpool Law authorizes the tropical fish vendors to work topless.
25 - * In Santa Cruz, Bolivia it is illegal for a man to have sex with a woman and her daughter at the same time.
26 - * In Maryland, condoms can only be sold in machines that are within the premises where alcoholic beverages are sold.
27 - Why do not we have sex in front of others? People have a sexual assault that animals do not have, for the intimate act with our partner we look for places reserved and quiet, we prefer to hide to practice sex. The monkeys prefer to hide practice intercourse to avoid being seen by the rest of the herd, as they run the risk of being attacked for violating the rights of the dominant male or female.
28 - Is it true that the penis can be trapped in the vagina? This is normal in the mating of dogs or cats, but rare among humans. There is a myth because in the male unconscious fear that there is trapped penis into the vagina. Some Indian tribes used the same word for "eat" and "mate" and some literary critics have interpreted these terms to "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville.
29 - Bleeding after losing virginity. A woman who has been sexually penetrated virgin is considered and this is the integrity of the hymen. It is commonly accepted that the "first time", the penetration is difficult, to bleed and cause pain to women. There are women who congenitally lack the hymen, there are others who have it but not perforated and there are women who have a highly elastic hymen, so there is virtually no bleeding or pain, and notes can not break up after many relationships .
30 - Pain .- During the climax, the brain releases, especially in women, endorphins and corticosteroids, soothing substances which reduce chronic back pain, arthritis and migraines .
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