If you see that I am ashamed, remember that shame is like a dark cloth, very dark, opaque, behind which I hide.
If you see that I feel angry, try to understand that the cat that lives in me is showing teeth and claws.
If you see at some point that my vision is absent, I understand that has invaded the nostalgia that leads me to escape the memory and can not succeed at all. And that expression sad in my face reflects a heavy hand, giant, that is oppressing my heart. And that oppression makes me anxious because it is a tight knot and adjusted to hold my peace.
If you see I react by impulse, you must understand that I have a hunch. And a hunch is not nothing but an idea that goes through my mind about something that probably does not even happen. It is also of concern, which is nothing but an adhesive that leaves no escape from my mind what has not happened and, if it occurs, is not so important and if not, I took unnecessary distress.
If you see that I say something but I have no solid basis for doing so, be sure that I do by intuition, and intuition is one that hits my heart leap into the future and becomes fast at the moment I am living.
If you see that I too would understand that I feel guilty, because guilt is something that comes over you when you know you could have done something and did not even try.
If you see too interrúmpeme reasoned, because at that time my emotions have gone to sleep and I tend to break down every fact, gesture or word. Because feelings, all of them change as they age. The anxiety gets the minutes to be endless and the wait becomes unbearable. Because feelings, my beloved, is the language used by the heart when trying to send a message and uses his allies that are the passion and love. Passion is a feeling that is released runaway even know that there is some danger, it is unstoppable.
Love is fused with passion is the one who knows that passion is your irreplaceable companion. It is with the will Which leads me to make new discoveries that I write from the clarity that is nothing to reverse the madness.
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