know that there is an illness, c on symptoms so similar to heart attacks is called broken heart syndrome? that mostly affects women, for being so emosionales ... reading about these symptoms on the causes, and reflect on how we process things did these words, is a point of view only one among a universe of thoughts, if you used these words are yours, leave them alone are letters go, my mind and my heart now working together I hope you enjoy Women are those specimens that we have all our actions through the heart, the emotions of putting the soul and body to maximize the emotions to feel that everything that comes to our lives have to have an intervention on our part, that everything happens for a reason, we have as mother, daughter, friend, lover, wife to deal with one or another way to solve what we hear, take charge, take part in the lines that come into our hands.
Maybe that's why our hearts often make us feel drowned in the unprocessed emotions, to carry a bag-making and responsibilities assume that even without thinking, that we close our eyes and try to find air around so that everything goes well, or do our best to our loved ones. The best antidote to sit and talk with our soul, think with your heart balancing it with our minds, to wonder who we are, we want, we want, we dream, what things make us happy, and not lose sight of the consequences of our decisions, based on our lives from us for us, because if we're good if we love if we care if we give our all, then we will be able to help without intruding, to learn to accept situations as they occur.
As we establish relationships, we create a vicious cycle of give and take, to mark boundaries to our actions, to form a circle on our spaces, and learn to respect the personal space of others, more than once surprising life in this encounter between the willingness to help and interference in the space of others.
There are days when hormones maximize our words, that when emotions are crowded on our chest, powerless to change things, instead of analyzing them and accept them, these days the tears are revealed to us, and blurred vision and damping of trouble the soul, the chest is shrinking, the anguish is not silent and we are prisoners of the things that happen, and can not control.
broken heart syndrome, this similar to a heart attack, so many women have, comes from the hand of wanting to have everything under control, that things are done in our own way of dealing make them understand our point of view, not the best, and that eagerness to help, often our lives are, anguish leaves a lump in my throat, and carry a backpack and not ours.
In this effort of love, one forget that love is not synonymous with membership, but of freedom, acceptance of others, to advise but not impose, ask, tell you that we do not guess so, but that does not mean that establish rules for what to do, the eternal theme let each process every step of his time, without invading the space.
Reflections ....
There are so many points of view on this earth for each event, as people have noticed, living it is better for our hearts to learn to listen, the pleasure of being heard, without being judged, but it's so cute in words, and so difficult is the practice, but says that angel good as I have for sister, the best thing to recognize is not just something to say but putting it into practice in my soul that walks in that is the heart that sometimes hangs thinking that sometimes hard of hearing, but you are the words of people who love me well, those beings who have been close to me to learn new things every day.
One day, a reflection, silence, the keyboard, my mind watching, my heart speaking .. His voice interrupted my life goes on I hope these words serve something, take, to realize these words, my soul smiles finding the balance
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