The student is always right, but never give.
The student will not copy, contrasting results.
The student does not take goats, with the theme.
The student does not sleep in class, reflect.
The student does bulls, their presence is required at the bar.
The student does not speak in class, exchanging impressions.
The student does not chew gum, strengthens the gums.
The student does not like pipes, studying botany.
The student does not read magazines in class, is reported.
The student does not insult the teacher, removes blemishes.
The student does not look at the tables, practice artistic expression.
The student never comes to class, others are advanced.
The student can not get enough gymnastics, guard forces.
The student is not delayed, withheld.
The student is not distracted, it examines the fluorescent.
The student does not throw chalk, studying the law of gravity.
Students not suspend, suspending him.
The student does not throw litter on the ground, drops.
The student does not run through the halls, tests for speed.
The student does not spit, clears nostrils.
The student does not pass the teacher, the teacher passed the student.
The student if you see someone that relies helps.
The student when you feel like working and wait until it happens.
The college student does not destroys, gives a modern twist
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