Friday, June 27, 2008

How To Connect Sound Bar

the edge of an Affair

An adventure without sex can be a fascinating journey through the senses. The problem is when it is finished, the land in reality you can convert a crush on 'affair' of verdad.Ya know that feeling: you see the deceased as your heart is triggered, your hands will sweat, it seems that you will melt. The time key is when their eyes meet, the final, you're falling in love. Only one small problem: he has a partner ... and you too.

and I fell in love once. Well, to be honest it was exactly where I fell in love. Succumbed to the charm of her smile, her eyes full of life made me recall a bed with rumpled sheets. We worked together and he sometimes subtly brushed my neck, and he found out at me from the door. Sometimes we ate together and drank the drink after work. I spent hours dreaming that we were having breakfast at a hotel in the countryside, four-poster beds. Or we were in a red convertible at full speed with Eric Clapton on the stereo. Definitely not had an affair but we were ready. We enjoyed their disorders (adrenaline, the hole in the stomach, the butterflies fluttering), all without guilt complex. Nor had sex. It was perfect.

Yes, ideal because I was completely happy with my partner. Well, correct, not completely because if I had not noticed the existence of that other subject. Maybe I was a little boring and this adventure without sex was harmless. Because, really, would you rather spend your time doing the super food, or sitting in a very chic coffee with a partner who makes you feel like a queen? And you can say whatever you want in your life, and he will believe you. You are living a romantic illusion, very romantic, and only care about these two people as they laugh at nonsense.

pseudo Thanks to this affair, after a long time to interpret the roles: Fellow, Amiga, girlfriend, daughter, I felt myself again. Above all, this man told me how wonderful it was and what I was doing my job well, it definitely I was up the morale of seduction. And that's not all, suddenly you realize that you spend all day thinking about sex. Yes, you're infatuated with this guy and all the energy has to go somewhere, do not you think? This is how the idea of \u200b\u200bdaily sex regains its place on your agenda, though the name of your man but is recorded immediately afterwards.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cellular Respiration Chlamydia


7 Many people have these bad habits without realizing it. And do not help us in our relationship with ourselves and with Other:

1. Punishing

2. Complain

3. Blaming

4. Threatening


These habits lead to most of their emotional problems are directly linked to the fact that you have learned to try to control people around him. We learn these habits in our children's teachers, parents, grandparents and others.

Clean your room, if not, no TV for you tonight (punishment). These cookies will be prepared for you when everything is clean and tidy. (Bribery). After years exposed to this form of manipulation, finally begins to use it too. Probably clean the room, but will not be a good relationship.

The practical problem of trying to control others is that every time you meet, bribe, complain, criticize, punish or threaten someone, meet resistance, they will respond, they will fight, in fact ignored, lie, do things in secret and attend to a million ways to get you back. It's just human nature. We are genetically programmed to resist when someone tries to force us to do something you do not want.

may be more pronounced in one person than another, but unless you recognize what you are doing and learn how to find what you want in a relationship without trying to control others, all relationships become a struggle for power that cause suffering to all involved.

VERSUS ... LOVE THE 7 HABITS OF HAPPY PEOPLE REALLY The best way to eliminate negative habits is to replace 7 with the 7 habits of love:

1. Support

3. Play

4. OK

5. Trust

6. Respect


differences. It seems easy, because the only thing one needs to do is accept people as it is. But like so many valuable things in life, love habits are harder to implement than one might imagine, especially if they represent the personality that you have formed.

Some aspects that can help: Become a realistic analysis:

7 Do you have the negative habits? How are you this morning spoke to the people with whom you live? Are encouraged to do what they had planned for the day? How can we act? Tip: Treat people as if they were his best friends. Listen to each word, find the time to sit down with people and really pay attention without being distracted by cell phones or the demands of others.

Visualize your new self: Make a mental image of you as a person practicing the 7 Habits of love. Keep it in mind and refer to it when talking with their loved ones, to see whether it is acting as a person who knows how to love.

Make the right question:

The moment it arises the need to blame, complain, criticize, insist, threaten, punish or bribe, before you say anything, stop and ask yourself is this really important? Accept the reality: One must understand that the only person who can change is yourself. When you have a dispute with a person who is important in your life, business.

Choose model:

are the people to which they most admire, ask them before they would react with one of the 7 bad habits. Write about your experiences: Keep a diary, which will help you through the transition and see their progress.


Blame - Accepting Bribe

- Stimulate

Complaining - Play Criticize

- Respect

Pursue - Resolve differences

Punish - Support

Threats - to Trust Marinaz soon

Looped Together Jelly Bracelets

attitudes of students SIII ....... ANY DAY I WAS STUDENT

The student is always right, but never give.

The student will not copy, contrasting results.

The student does not take goats, with the theme.

The student does not sleep in class, reflect.

The student does bulls, their presence is required at the bar.

The student does not speak in class, exchanging impressions.

The student does not chew gum, strengthens the gums.

The student does not like pipes, studying botany.

The student does not read magazines in class, is reported.

The student does not insult the teacher, removes blemishes.

The student does not look at the tables, practice artistic expression.

The student never comes to class, others are advanced.

The student can not get enough gymnastics, guard forces.

The student is not delayed, withheld.

The student is not distracted, it examines the fluorescent.

The student does not throw chalk, studying the law of gravity.

Students not suspend, suspending him.

The student does not throw litter on the ground, drops.

The student does not run through the halls, tests for speed.

The student does not spit, clears nostrils.

The student does not pass the teacher, the teacher passed the student.

The student if you see someone that relies helps.

The student when you feel like working and wait until it happens.

The college student does not destroys, gives a modern twist

Monday, June 2, 2008

Football Helmets From Walmart Vending

Broken Heart Syndrome

know that there is an illness, c on symptoms so similar to heart attacks is called broken heart syndrome? that mostly affects women, for being so emosionales ... reading about these symptoms on the causes, and reflect on how we process things did these words, is a point of view only one among a universe of thoughts, if you used these words are yours, leave them alone are letters go, my mind and my heart now working together I hope you enjoy Women are those specimens that we have all our actions through the heart, the emotions of putting the soul and body to maximize the emotions to feel that everything that comes to our lives have to have an intervention on our part, that everything happens for a reason, we have as mother, daughter, friend, lover, wife to deal with one or another way to solve what we hear, take charge, take part in the lines that come into our hands.

Maybe that's why our hearts often make us feel drowned in the unprocessed emotions, to carry a bag-making and responsibilities assume that even without thinking, that we close our eyes and try to find air around so that everything goes well, or do our best to our loved ones. The best antidote to sit and talk with our soul, think with your heart balancing it with our minds, to wonder who we are, we want, we want, we dream, what things make us happy, and not lose sight of the consequences of our decisions, based on our lives from us for us, because if we're good if we love if we care if we give our all, then we will be able to help without intruding, to learn to accept situations as they occur.

As we establish relationships, we create a vicious cycle of give and take, to mark boundaries to our actions, to form a circle on our spaces, and learn to respect the personal space of others, more than once surprising life in this encounter between the willingness to help and interference in the space of others.

There are days when hormones maximize our words, that when emotions are crowded on our chest, powerless to change things, instead of analyzing them and accept them, these days the tears are revealed to us, and blurred vision and damping of trouble the soul, the chest is shrinking, the anguish is not silent and we are prisoners of the things that happen, and can not control.

broken heart syndrome, this similar to a heart attack, so many women have, comes from the hand of wanting to have everything under control, that things are done in our own way of dealing make them understand our point of view, not the best, and that eagerness to help, often our lives are, anguish leaves a lump in my throat, and carry a backpack and not ours.

In this effort of love, one forget that love is not synonymous with membership, but of freedom, acceptance of others, to advise but not impose, ask, tell you that we do not guess so, but that does not mean that establish rules for what to do, the eternal theme let each process every step of his time, without invading the space.

Reflections ....

There are so many points of view on this earth for each event, as people have noticed, living it is better for our hearts to learn to listen, the pleasure of being heard, without being judged, but it's so cute in words, and so difficult is the practice, but says that angel good as I have for sister, the best thing to recognize is not just something to say but putting it into practice in my soul that walks in that is the heart that sometimes hangs thinking that sometimes hard of hearing, but you are the words of people who love me well, those beings who have been close to me to learn new things every day.

One day, a reflection, silence, the keyboard, my mind watching, my heart speaking .. His voice interrupted my life goes on I hope these words serve something, take, to realize these words, my soul smiles finding the balance