Friday, February 4, 2011

How Long Does Meps Take


Rose , fotografĂ­a de Cieleke (Algunos derechos reservados, bajo licencia Creative Commons 2.0 )

"Suffering is unnecessary. But one has to suffer before he is able to realize that this is so. It is only then, moreover, that the true significance of human suffering becomes clear. At the last desperate moment--when one can suffer no more!--something happens which is in the nature of a miracle. The great open wound which was draining the blood of life closes up, the organism blossoms like a rose. One is "free" at last, and not "with a yearning for Russia," but with a yearning for ever more freedom, ever more bliss. The tree of life is Not Kept alive by tears But The Knowledge That freedom is real and everlasting. "
Henry Miller, Plexus .

[The suffering is unnecessary. But one has to suffer before being able to realize that this is so. is only then, moreover, that the true meaning of human suffering becomes clear. In the last desperate moment - when you can not suffer more! - something happens that is nature of a miracle. The large open wound that drained the blood of life is closed, the body blooms like a rose. One is "free" at last, and not with a longing for Russia, " but always with a desire for more freedom, more happiness always. tree life is kept alive not by tears but by the knowledge that freedom is real and eternal .]


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