Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gentleman Jack Vs. Crown Royal

The Elephant

That night, back home, Mom and I found the elephant sitting in the dustbin. As people dined at home and watching television, in the deserted street, the elephant told us all the secrets he had in the dirt. Also theirs. Never again will we have never seen.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Printied Volleyball Shorts

"Tales from the neighborhood," Masha Kirikova (IV)

The bush sparrows By

morning and after lunch, the sparrows come to the lush backyard shrub for your important meeting daily. Attack of the tigers, the emergence of a new feeder, the most stylish ways to clean the feathers this season ... Everything needs to be discussed!

Masha Kirikova
(translated and disseminated con el permiso the autora)