Monday, May 12, 2008

Philips Recipes For Steam Cooking

still awaiting for this bad ..!

We sacrifice too much about things that are transient ... Sacrifice Health, Friendship, Family, Peace and inner peace .. So many absurd troubles to store it after getting wind, they vanish like sand between your toes! TELL ME A THOUSAND TIMES

away Then I invented a thousand ways not to think you do not remember. Of course, let's see, to call. I heal those wounds that left me suffering, thousands seek remedies to close, not to hurt. And any day back, my heart, to my mind, my body and again fall into the clutches of desire, despair.

would say the doctors, has had a relapse. But that disease is mine, and once again it falls, I can not heal in final form, I do not die, but after each relapse, who do less strength, less energy. When the day comes that I redefinitivamente, spend the days, months and years and I can not heal in spite of all the remedies I've used, even some became intoxicated instead of making me feel better. If some of you know the cure for my illness can happen, so if that is not some intoxicating.


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