And they will be 7 ... (There is no art in these letters, there are only memories infinite)
Time is subjective: the face of suffering the years passed slowly. Now I understand my mistakes and that the wounds have healed, I wonder why it happened so fast. will soon arrive in June 1921 and the winter solstice every year. Triumphantly enter the winter, taking my precious fall.
I've had time to treasure pieces of this season, but weighs the idea of \u200b\u200bwaiting a full year to see the leaves on the trees colored red. Exactly
for 7 winter solstices my life took a turn that took me long to realize ... I fell deeply in love of a woman who could not feel for me as well ... On his birthday I assumed that he loved her and take me away from men (emotionally, of course) forever.
His love torturing my eyes long time. Years of wasted tears and stifle cries to end submerged in a "nothing" invasive.
Solstice This time is different: its not cold afflicts my soul